Certificate of silver award in Iran's national informatics olympiad 2021

Certificate of bronze award in Iran's national informatics olympiad 2020

CoSpace (Rescue-Simulation)
Certificate of Award as Top Novice Team in RoboCup Japan 2017

Certificate of Participation in RoboCup Japan 2017

Soccer Lightweight
Certificate of Participation in RoboCup Asia-Pacific Thailand 2017

Rescue-Line Secondary
Certificate of Participation in RoboCup Asia-Pacific Iran 2018

Rescue-Line Primary
Certificate of Participation in Iran Open 2017

Soccer Open
Certificate of Participation in Iran Open 2018

Mission Impossible
Certificate of Participation in Iran FIRA RoboWorldCup Open 2019

Certificate of Participation in AUTCUP 2018

Math Kangaroo
Certificate of Honor for being among the top 30% of the province in Math Kangaroo 2017

Certificate of Participation in Math Kangaroo 2017

Rescue-Line Primary
Certificate of 3rd place in the 6th Salam Cup Competitions (2017)

Soccer Open
Certificate of 1st Place in the 7th Salam Cup Competitions (2018)

Certificate of Participation in the 7th Salam Cup Competitions (2018)

Programming Tournament
Certificate of 2nd Place in the 8th Salam Cup Competitions (2019)

Certificate of 1st Place in the 8th Salam Cup Competitions in the field of Mechanics Research (2019)

Certificate of Participation in the 7th Salam Cup Competitions in the field of Mechanics Research (2018)

Soccer Open
Certificate of 3rd Place in the 11th FaraCup competitions (2018)

Certificate of The Best Performance in the 11th FaraCup competitions (2018)

Certificate of Participation in the 11th FaraCup competitions (2018)

Tebyan Festival
Technical Engineering
Certificate of Top position in the 12th Tebyan Student Project Festival (2017)

Certificate of Participation in the 12th Tebyan Student Project Festival (2017)

Certificate of Participation in the 13th Tebyan Student Project Festival (2018)

Bordar Scientific Competitions
Certificate of Permission to attend the second stage in the 2nd Bordar Scientific Competitions (2019)

Scholastic Festival of Ibn Sina
Certificate of Attendance in the 3rd National Scholastic Festival of Ibn sina (2018)

Eghlim Musical Academy
Certificate of A rank in the Summer Recital of 2014

Certificate of B+ rank in the Summer Recital of 2013

Certificate of B+ rank in the Summer Recital of 2013