

Rescue-Line is one of the RoboCupJunior leagues where the robot has to do several tasks in a field that simulates a (miniaturized) disaster scenario. In this type of the rescue leagues, the robot has to follow a line which shows the path.

RoboCupJunior Rescue-Line page

CoSpace Rescue

CoSpace is also one of the RobocupJunior leagues where there isn't an actual field in the competition. The competition is held in an environment simulated by a computer. In this league, the teams are supposed to program a robot (which will be uploaded to the simulation) to do some given tasks, and will get points by completing them. The team with the higher number of points wins.

RoboCupJunior Cospace page

Soccer Lightweight

Soccer Lightweight is one of the RoboCupJunior Soccer subleagues where each team has 2 robots, placed on a miniaturized soccer field and play a simplified version of soccer. The team with the higher number of goals wins.

RoboCupJunior Soccer Lightweight page

Soccer Open

Soccer Open is another one of the RoboCupJunior Soccer subleagues. It differs from Lightweight, by the size and weight of the robots. In Lightweight the robots usually don't have a shooting mechanism because of the weight limit. Another difference is the ball, which in the Lightweight league, it transmits infrared light but in the Open league, it's only a solid plastic orange ball and the robots have to do image processing to locate it.

RoboCupJunior Soccer Open page

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Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects. It has several developement boards to make about any electonics project that doesn't need complex high speed calculations or hardware.



AVR microcontrollers are single chip microcontrollers that are especially common in hobbyist and educational embedded applications. They are used in many Arduino boards and open hardware developement boards. One of the famous AVR microcontroller lines is the ATmega series.

Microchip Microcontrollers page

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